The Newman-Os Tarot Spread

The positions are fourfold, existing in two divisions of two:

Demeanour. This is the analytical basis for the reading's subject. It represents the conclusion to which most people would rationalise.
Simulacra. The apparent, false reality of the reading subject. It is revealed by Jung's endopsych.

Objectivity. The true, factual circumstance regarding the reading subject. It is revealed by Jung's ectopsych.
Anima Mundi. This is the mystical basis for the reading's subject. It represents an overarching truth grounded outside of intellectualism.
Pattern. A uniting element which all aspects of the reading subject have in common.

Bráhman. Where the pattern only united the reading subject's multifarious facets, Bráhman is the ultimate fundament upon which all these are based.

The cards are positioned thus:

  1. First, simulacra is placed in the low position. It is the most vulgar state of understanding, a mask worn upon a farce.
  2. Second, objectivity is placed immediately about the simulacra, in the high position. This represents a "rising up" from a dissociation with reality.
  3. Thirdly, pattern is placed immediately to the left of the seam created by the separation of the low and high positions, in the secondary position. It represents an encompassing of the demeanour cards, they exist only within patterns which define their composition.
  4. Finally, Bráhman is placed opposition pattern, in the primary (or final) position. It represents a linear progression, both chronological and intellectual, from left to right; and a condensation of both demeanour and pattern. The completed arrangement is that of a cross, symbolising Christ.
Bráhman may be further explained by repeating this process, with simulacra representing an alternative misconception of its meaning.

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